Thursday, May 6, 2010


Cancer is a group of diseases or disorders characterized by uncontrolled division of cells and the ability of these cells to invade other tissues, either by direct growth into adjacent tissue through invasion or by implantation into distant sites by metastasis. This uncontrolled growth caused apometallaxeis genes that control cell division. Additional mutations may be required to transform a normal cell into a malignant cell.

Medical papyri from 1600 BC from ancient Egypt contain descriptions malignancies. One thousand two hundred years later, in 400 BC Hippocrates used the word "cancer" by the word "cancer" (crab) for malignant tumors. Galen, another famous doctor of antiquity, chose Cancer (crab) as a symbol of illness due to the similarity of the processes of a tumor of the breast with crab legs.

Any factor causing mutations can potentially cause cancer, ie cancer risk factor. The virus Epstein-Barr, o hepatitis B and papilloma viruses have been linked to cancer in humans. In cases such as the Chernobyl accident and dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki have shown that human exposure to high doses associated with the development of cancer. Similar data available from human exposure to various chemicals in the workplace. The only case in which the relationship between environmental factors and cancer is no doubt smoking. Besides lung cancer, smoking is implicated for other cancers such as mouth, larynx, kidney, esophagus, pancreas.

Cancer can cause many different symptoms, depending on the location and nature of the malignancy and whether there is metastasis. The cancer can be painless. A definitive diagnosis usually requires histological examination by a physician. This tissue obtained by biopsy or surgery. Once detected, the cancer is usually treated with surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

If not treated, these cancers may eventually cause death. Cancer is primarily a disease more prevalent in recent years and is one of the leading causes of death in developed countries. Many cancers can be cured, especially if treatment is started early. The most common cancers are lung and prostate gland in men and breast cancer for women.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer is part of the World Health Organization, United Nations, who will monitor the progress of the disease worldwide and is studying the causes of cancer and mechanisms of carcinogenesis. Develop strategies for controlling cancer and issue monographs on the evaluation and classification of materials in relation to its influence on the challenge or not human cancer.

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