Thursday, May 6, 2010

The gossip and intellectual life

People, that deals with gossip, never dealt with the spiritual life. The mind of this man is completely absorbed by this terrible sin, including through all the other equally terrible sins.
Even short-term contact with the spiritual life can give birth in the human heart the love of God, even though the heart is not clear, again, the spiritual practice gives rise to that love alone is not gossip never gives in people the opportunity to experience this happiness.
The spiritual life requires not just our pilgrimage, needs to fall in the knees, which means that we must glorify God and His children, and gossip - is the desire to ascend to the head of that, why envy about This physical layer, the gossiper is suffering from his knees.
So gossip is considered as the main obstacle on the path to spiritual progress, because the spiritual path requires clearance from material desires, and gossip in the heart brings new material desires.
In essence, to throw trash in your heart and nothing now can not clean, because the gates of the spiritual world is closed to the gossip.
Moreover, the imperfect man of Kali Yuga is boring to live with the garbage, so, he goes to the trash to his friend and the empties on the head.
But his friend, as another child of Kali Yuga, which is put aside and he - has its own garbage.
Well, he gets his own trash and empty the head of another in response.
This is fun, companionship and friendship in the age of Kali Yuga.
When talking to others, we must always remember one thing: whether the harm? Perhaps the cause pain?

From a single word can cause such destruction of our next door neighbors, now imagine how much more damage can cause our people immoral, and full of malice and hatred, our words.

Let's all try to emulate a big man with a clean heart, his words and his actions were flowers which beautify life.

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