Thursday, May 6, 2010


The term generally refers to the poverty that an economic situation characterized by lack of adequate resources to satisfy basic human needs, where the concept of basic needs can vary from person to person and from country to country. Thus the concept of poverty open to two definitions:
In absolute poverty is defined as the percentage of population living on less than a fixed dollar amount per day. The most popular type of statistic (used by the World Bank), the percentage of population living on less than one dollar a day, at prices of 1985. Ideal level of absolute poverty is 0%. Such a definition is used more in developing countries.
Relative poverty is defined as the percentage of people in a country living on an income below a certain percentage of median income (currently 50%) in the country. That is, if the rate is 50% and the median income of $ 10,000, the poverty rate is the number of people living on less than $ 5,000 a year, divided by the total population. The definition of the percentage of median income varies from country to country. Relative poverty is the most commonly used word in the statistics of developed countries, where too often misunderstood as an indicator of absolute 'poverty.


Cancer is a group of diseases or disorders characterized by uncontrolled division of cells and the ability of these cells to invade other tissues, either by direct growth into adjacent tissue through invasion or by implantation into distant sites by metastasis. This uncontrolled growth caused apometallaxeis genes that control cell division. Additional mutations may be required to transform a normal cell into a malignant cell.

Medical papyri from 1600 BC from ancient Egypt contain descriptions malignancies. One thousand two hundred years later, in 400 BC Hippocrates used the word "cancer" by the word "cancer" (crab) for malignant tumors. Galen, another famous doctor of antiquity, chose Cancer (crab) as a symbol of illness due to the similarity of the processes of a tumor of the breast with crab legs.

Any factor causing mutations can potentially cause cancer, ie cancer risk factor. The virus Epstein-Barr, o hepatitis B and papilloma viruses have been linked to cancer in humans. In cases such as the Chernobyl accident and dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki have shown that human exposure to high doses associated with the development of cancer. Similar data available from human exposure to various chemicals in the workplace. The only case in which the relationship between environmental factors and cancer is no doubt smoking. Besides lung cancer, smoking is implicated for other cancers such as mouth, larynx, kidney, esophagus, pancreas.

Cancer can cause many different symptoms, depending on the location and nature of the malignancy and whether there is metastasis. The cancer can be painless. A definitive diagnosis usually requires histological examination by a physician. This tissue obtained by biopsy or surgery. Once detected, the cancer is usually treated with surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

If not treated, these cancers may eventually cause death. Cancer is primarily a disease more prevalent in recent years and is one of the leading causes of death in developed countries. Many cancers can be cured, especially if treatment is started early. The most common cancers are lung and prostate gland in men and breast cancer for women.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer is part of the World Health Organization, United Nations, who will monitor the progress of the disease worldwide and is studying the causes of cancer and mechanisms of carcinogenesis. Develop strategies for controlling cancer and issue monographs on the evaluation and classification of materials in relation to its influence on the challenge or not human cancer.

The gossip and intellectual life

People, that deals with gossip, never dealt with the spiritual life. The mind of this man is completely absorbed by this terrible sin, including through all the other equally terrible sins.
Even short-term contact with the spiritual life can give birth in the human heart the love of God, even though the heart is not clear, again, the spiritual practice gives rise to that love alone is not gossip never gives in people the opportunity to experience this happiness.
The spiritual life requires not just our pilgrimage, needs to fall in the knees, which means that we must glorify God and His children, and gossip - is the desire to ascend to the head of that, why envy about This physical layer, the gossiper is suffering from his knees.
So gossip is considered as the main obstacle on the path to spiritual progress, because the spiritual path requires clearance from material desires, and gossip in the heart brings new material desires.
In essence, to throw trash in your heart and nothing now can not clean, because the gates of the spiritual world is closed to the gossip.
Moreover, the imperfect man of Kali Yuga is boring to live with the garbage, so, he goes to the trash to his friend and the empties on the head.
But his friend, as another child of Kali Yuga, which is put aside and he - has its own garbage.
Well, he gets his own trash and empty the head of another in response.
This is fun, companionship and friendship in the age of Kali Yuga.
When talking to others, we must always remember one thing: whether the harm? Perhaps the cause pain?

From a single word can cause such destruction of our next door neighbors, now imagine how much more damage can cause our people immoral, and full of malice and hatred, our words.

Let's all try to emulate a big man with a clean heart, his words and his actions were flowers which beautify life.

The consumption of alcohol at an early age

The consumption of alcohol at an early age is a worrying feature of recent years on related to a large extent on the countries of the Western world, and our country. It certainly is not unprecedented that many teenagers experience occasional various substances, including alcohol, but in many cases the use is only occasional and temporary, ie stop after a short time. In others (and unfortunately more and more) cases, there was occasional use, but alcohol abuse and often systematic abuse leads to dependence. How much should I be concerned about the phenomenon of abuse or simply alcohol use during adolescence; What area has gotten the alcohol at young ages;
The truth is shocking: The researchers conclude that alcohol is the substance most used by adolescents.

In Europe and America, the average age when boys try alcohol is 11 years and girls of 13 years. Up to 14 years, a total of 41% of children overall has experienced at least one drink. Early initiation of alcohol consumption has been associated with violent behavior not only during adolescence and adulthood. Estimated, and that more than 3 million teens are already alcoholics, and annually in America more than 5,000 young people under 21 years of age have died from causes associated with the consumption of a drink and the two main reasons for deaths at ages 15-24 years old are motor vehicle accidents and suicide (both related to alcohol use). For accuracy, the research does not show whether alcohol consumption can cause suicidal prove only that the two behaviors are positively correlated statistically.


Drugs are substances that affect the brain and so addictive. People who use them want to experience the effects of drugs. Some drugs also affect the brain, such as medicines for epilepsy, but not taken by the user for this reason, the therapeutic is running. The Rotalin is a medicine which can be used for attention deficit disorder / hyperactivity, but also used in recent years as a drug. Talk about "drugs" when I use these substances to be found under the influence of them.

The drugs can be divided into groups in different ways: for example, legitimate (legally acceptable) and illegal (banned) substances. Alcohol and tobacco are legal. The hashish, cocaine, amphetamines, XTC and the heroin is illegal.

The most common classification is that based on the effects of each drug in human consciousness. What distinguishes the three categories of drugs: drugs that calm and appease, drugs that stimulate or give energy and drugs that change your perception where, for example, see and hear things in a different way than it really is. Most drugs fit into these categories. Some drugs are harder to categorize.


May well not have heard of anorexia. You may not know what it is but the word we hear constantly associated with stars of cinema's most famous models throughout the world, singers and other celebrities.

In reality, however, anorexia is not only the world of "stars" but everywhere is so close to us who can meet and in ourselves.

What is anorexia?

Anorexia is a disease not caused by any virus or bacteria but by the same human mind! The complete name is anorexia nervosa.

Usually happens to women and young girls, who consider themselves fat, either in reality or not. Develop a prevention for eating and exercise habits constantly with the expectation to reach the "ideal weight".

Instead of getting the weight is perfect for them, depending on their body (see article: "Ideal Weight"), continuing their diets until they reach a point to eat eg only an apple a day or not at all to jeopardize their own lives!

Why have this impression of themselves? Why not look in the mirror that shows them real, it is perfectly normal? And if a little "gematoules" why can not accept themselves as is or even lose a little weight to really getting to its normal weight and not starve?

These are some questions that even scientists are finding it difficult to answer! What are the reasons that the mind begins to guide the body to self-destruction?

This affects more girls are constant correlation between "thin" with "nice". The models assumed a standard beauty are becoming more sensitive to one characterized only as pretty thin.

But if we look at these models with eyes wide open will understand that there is nothing more than "moving bones!

Also, people involved in sports, ballet, skating tend to lose weight because they know that everyone attending the college and think that losing weight can be even more perfect.

What happens when someone has anorexia?

People suffering from this mental illness begin to hate the food, refuse to hunger, avoiding meals and find various excuses and constantly practiced very hectic trying to eat and even those who ate little.

As a result the body does not get the energy needed to operate normally.

That is why people who suffer from anorexia often have headaches, cold and the temperature is normal, blood pressure decreases, nails and cracking easily fail, hair begin to fall at some stage begin to suffer damage kidneys, liver and heart!

Imagine then weaken as much as our bodies start to fall our hair ... We are now fine, but we managed to get "standard beauty" without having our hair?

Apart from this, because these people know that the thinking and behavior is not normal, feel remorse, not only does not revert back to normal, but to experience depression and removed from family and friends .

Monday, May 3, 2010


Infidelity most often marks the end of a relationship or a marriage. In some cases, however, is the symbol for both states involved in this, their relationship is going through a serious crisis. It is extremely difficult for a couple to be able to overcome the existence of infidelity. It is impossible!

There are many factors that can lead to infidelity and these paragontes can in many cases to operate and combinatorial. Let's look at some of them.

One of the most important factors that lead to infidelity is the frustration and loneliness can feel the person in question within the existing relationship or marriage. The constant bickering, the critical behavior of a partner or two and, a climate of tension and devaluation of one party to another, grumbling, irony, sarcasm and indifference caused the above sentiments. The isolation also resulting from the lack of common interests can play an important role in the event of a refusal of conduct that will eventually lead to infidelity. Other ways to create frustration and negative emotions is the lack of communication and the refusal to debate, abstinence from sex, sex without emotional ties, lack of daily concern for his / her partner the impression that everything is important and prior to priorities by its companion. (Children, work, in-laws etc). Disappointment is created when there is understanding and sensitivity to the emotional needs of the partner and the lack of intention reconciliation or settlement after an argument or disagreement. The Egocentrism, oppression and excessive audit also create a climate of tension and denial regarding his / her partner.

Infidelity is a breach of the exclusive loyalty owed couples together and the conclusion of sexual relations with a third person. Looking at the statistics, we see that in recent years the number of people who are deceptive in their partner has risen sharply. The seven to ten men at some time deceiving one's significant other. Both women, however worthy follow, as the number of those who do so is by no means negligible.


Masturbation is the stimulation of the genitals to the challenge of pleasure, orgasm and satisfaction of libido free intercourse with another person. Apart from people, masturbation and answered a large number of animal species vasileiou. Μasturbation is sexual activity of both men and women, which occurs for the first time, usually during adolescence the individual, but not limited to it. A large percentage of people masturbating and into adulthood, and studies in infants and toddlers have shown that the extraction of pleasure from contact with the genitals have been found from this age group.

Although masturbation is usually done using the hand may be used as sexual objects and devices. A variation is the mutual masturbation, during which two people of different or the same sex irritate one another in order to reach orgasm. Mainly used as a sexual toy, but it can happen between two people who for whatever reason are unable or unwilling to come into full contact.
Μasturbation is taboo for certain people, while during adolescence may be a source of guilt, which to some extent since it is normal for a new and unknown aspect of adolescent sexuality. In past seasons were considered detrimental to the physical or mental health, with widespread rumors that it can lead to deafness, blindness and cause kyphosis. But today science is no longer connects to any type of physical or mental effects, except where the act is too often a substitute or a normal sex life of an adult. Used by analysts in the 19th century. for "treatment" of hysteria in women. In the coming years the idea prevailed that masturbation is removed stuff from the bone marrow, but today such a view is misguided and totally wrong by scientists.


Nowadays, many couples begin to have sexual contact from a very early age. This sometimes is good, but some are bad. Many times, young girls become pregnant. This causes some girls to do an abortion. Why can not grow up the child to be born, or do not want to know others that she became pregnant. This is not right because kill their own child, but sometimes, when the child is born, parents are unable to grow properly. Some men do not accept the child and leaving the girl and her mother is forced to grow up alone the child. Other times, parents are not in good financial position to be able to grow a child. However, the child if born, that they can not grow. We think when they have sexual contact, that it might katalalos to have a child.
Unfortunately, young women go to abortion without being fully aware of what abortion and its psychological and physical effects that have been following.

Child Abuse

Each year a significant number of children, even the most tender infancy, are referred to pediatric hospitals with unexplained physical injuries that endanger the physical and psychosocial health, and even their very lives.
The problem of child physical abuse is difficult to define clearly because of differences in habits and attitudes of people regarding the upbringing of children in different countries. Physical children, for example, is common and accepted practice for the discipline of children in several countries while in others it is childhood physical abuse and is prohibited by law.
The findings of both our country and in other countries indicate that parents of child physical abuse are people with special needs for care and support for both social actors and by mental health specialists, such as severe mental problems (eg meeting criteria for psychiatric diagnoses such as depression, personality disorder, rarely psychosis), limited cognitive abilities, a major difficulty to control themselves and their impulses (mostly aggressive), emotion deep failure on their role as parents and for the image of themselves in general.
During childhood and adolescence, the abused child expresses emotional problems, reactions and behaviors such as:
Fearful and cautious attitude towards others and towards the physical touch, especially when facing sudden movements (eg lifting hand).
A typical expression is perigrafthei as a "frozen look", especially after the violent episode, intense psychomotor agitation or / and hyperactivity. Low self-esteem, grief, sadness or apathy, withdrawal (depressive symptoms), poor performance in school as a result of mental pain or learning difficulties. Still, behavioral disorders. The intense anger and aggression experienced by the abused child may manifest themselves as reactionary or aggressive behavior toward peers or older, or destructive behavior in toys or other objects.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tattoos and body modifications

Tattoos become fashionable and trendy and many people have tattoos. Many people have tattoos of something important on their lives. The people want to look fashionable and trendy but they dont care about the negative aspects. some of them are the illness of tattoos. Such usTattoos breach the skin, which means that skin infections and other complications are possible. Such as: Allergic reactions, Skin infections, other skin problems, Blood borne diseases and MRI complications. Medication or other treatment may be needed if you develop an allergic reaction, infection or other skin problem.
The risk of HIV transmission exists if used instruments contaminated with blood are either not sterilized or disinfected or are used inappropriately between clients. we can have tattoos but we must know and the negative aspects of them. we want to remember some events from our lives but we must be sure that we want to have tattoos in our body for ever.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Smoking is a practice in which a substance, most commonly tobacco, is burned and the smoke tasted or inhaled. This is primarily practiced as a route of administration for recreational drug use, as combustion releases the active substances in drugs such as nicotine and makes them available for absorption through the lungs. It can also be done as a part of rituals, to induce trances and spiritual enlightenment. The most common method of smoking today is through cigarettes, primarily industrially manufactured but also hand-rolled from loose tobacco and rolling paper. Other smoking tools include pipes, cigars, hookahs and bongs.

Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. Tobacco smoking is today by far the most popular form of smoking and is practiced by over one billion people in the majority of all human societies. Less common drugs for smoking include cannabis and opium. Some of the substances are classified as hard narcotics, like heroin and crack cocaine, but the use of these is very limited as they are often not commercially available.

Perception surrounding smoking has varied over time and from one place to another; holy and sinful, sophisticated and vulgar, a panacea and deadly health hazard. Only relatively recently, and primarily in industrialized Western countries, has smoking come to be viewed in a decidedly negative light. Today medical studies have proven that smoking tobacco is among the leading causes of many diseases such as lung cancer, heart attacks, and erectile dysfunction and can also lead to birth defects. The well-proven health hazards of smoking have caused many countries to institute high taxes on tobacco products and anti-smoking campaigns are launched every year in an attempt to curb tobacco smoking.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

post on Traceys blog about the trip field

that is a good idea to visit the sex museum but when we decide to visit this museum how can we go to amsterdam?? in week 12 we have and other modules. can we go just for one day?? and i think so many students have not extra money to go to amsterdam.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Telling lies with integrity

Many people telling lies with integrity especially the children because they feared to tell the truth. The truth is sometimes bitter and sometimes disaster. But what happen if we hiding the truth; It is better or maybe in a while things will become worse; should lie; Sometimes I tried to hide the truth with various excuses and lies. But what happened at the end; I was just telling then many lied about this issue. I did not want to tell the truth because I was frightened. At the end and could not bear the truth reveal. From that day I lost my best friend. And I was thought why I did not tell the truth from the beginning. Since, I lost the only friend who was my best friend. From that day I did not tell more lies. Lies are not good. It is better to tell the truth and let this truth to hurt sometimes. This course moved me particularly because she remembered my own lies. We must learn to tell the truth as much bitter is. The truth is very important in relationships between people.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Field Trip Suggestion

For the field trip on week 12 I suggest to go in London. In London we can see the attractions near of Big Ben, such as the London Eye, London Tower, the palace of the queen and then we can visit the museum of natural history. I think this is a good trip to see the London and to know more information about London.